Tyler Laundry Products

I love the product. Keeps my towels and sheet smell good. The last time when I have my guest staying overnight the first think They say to me" I don't know what laundry detergent you use but smells amazing!!
Absolutely love this!! Just one wash will keep your clothes smelling fresh for weeks. I get compliments often on what kind of perfume am I wearing, lol it's my laundry detergent.
I love your liquid detergents, especially the High Maintenance fragrance! My question is: is the product sold by Amazon the genuine product?
A co-worker introduced me to Diva Detergent when they gave it to me for a secret Santa gift. I have been hooked ever since!!!
I wish you made a perfume of the Diva! I love my dryer sachet bags and my laundry detergent. I can’t get enough of that scent!
We use this too ...but we put it in the liquid fabric softener place just a little bit and use a fabric soap with no smell and it works wonderful and and goes a lot further. You just need a little because it’s soap. And everything smells so delightful
Even though I live near Tyler, I found out about the amazing product from my Dad's wife in Oklahoma. I use High Maintenance and absolutely love it. My dryer vents out to the flower bed near the walk up to my front door. If I'm having company I throw a towel in the dryer dampened with a bit of the detergent. Everyone wants to know what plant smells so wonderful.
I fell in love with Diva about a year ago, I've had so many ladies ask what is that your wearing? I also like the fact that even after several washes the sent is still in my clothes.
I feel so lucky to have found this laundry detergent. I was flying on American Airlines or it might have been delta, and flight attendant walked by me and smelled so amazing. I asked her what perfume are you wearing and she said I’m not it’s my laundry detergent called Glamorous Diva by Tyler!! I didn’t believe it at first but she raves about this product and I decided to take her advice. I can’t say enough about this miracle detergent and how you can put on best clothes or lounge wear and smell like no one else, you will be center of everyone’s smell. You remember they used to say a cologne and perfume attracted the opposite sex, well you do not have to look anymore this is your go too for that!! Thank you for making this amazing, fabulous product. I’m a Glam Diva user for life!????
Hi, I have a friend at work (Emergency Room, so you can imagine what all we smell) who always smelled so good, so I asked her what she washed her clothes in and she told me Tyler Glamorous Wash Diva and even High Maintenance. So I bought some. I love the smell but after I get it out of the dryer I DO NOT smell it on my scrubs any longer! I even use the sachets in the dryer as a softener. I put the ⅓ cup per manufacturer instructions in and NO other fabric softener. So can anyone tell me why? I don't want to keep paying the price for this if I can't get that fresh clean smell. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Thank you and God Bless!

TylerCandleStore.com: Petrena, I do not see that you purchased Glamorous Wash from us. I would recommend only purchasing from an authorized retailer and stay away from all market places such as Amazon, ebay, Wal-Mart, etc. Unfortunately, we cannot contact you since we have no contact information.
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